Creative thinking

Rule the World with Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is the crux of the world’s biggest breakthroughs, inventions and revolutions. Creative individuals know that all it takes is one great idea to change the course...

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Creative thinking is the crux of the world’s biggest breakthroughs, inventions and revolutions. Creative individuals know that all it takes is one great idea to change the course of history.

What is the biggest enemy of creative thinking?

Mechanical thinking is the opposite of creative thinking.

It traps the person into rigidity and inflexibility. Behind the bars of the mechanical thinking cage one is not allowed the freedom to do things in new ways.

Mechanical thinking stems from fear of failure or committing a mistake that can result in a loss of time and/or money. It is more often than not driven by the fear of criticism.

Here are some traits of mechanical thinkers:

  • Always feel that it’s my way or the highway.
  • Think of everything in extremes of black and white, with no gray areas.
  • Cannot think of solutions that are out-of-the-box.
  • Only wish to reside in their comfort zones.
  • Fear or reject anything new or different, even if the new thing is better.

But you wish to be a creative thinker…

Tap into your genius potential

We are all born with an immense creative potential. Each time you have a new experience you add to your creative repertoire.

If you wish to know how to be a genius, creativity is your best benchmark. The higher your creative index, the more innovative your ideas will be to upgrade just about every aspect of your life.

Remember that one good idea is enough to orient yourself in the direction of success.

How to identify creativity

Creative people are naturally curious. They are always asking questions and digging deeper into things. That’s how they amass information and are more likely to be geniuses.

Studies have shown that genius thinking has less to do with IQ and is more a matter of attitude and approach toward the challenges of life.

A genius cultivates an open mind

Geniuses tend to approach every problem with childlike curiosity. Keeping an open mind about all that is new and different will foster ideas that are out of the ordinary. Ask “What if?” and “Why not?” instead of following old routines.

Geniuses think of problems in a 360° manner

By carefully consider a problem from different angles, geniuses refrain from jumping to conclusions, choosing to gather more information instead. They test their possible solutions and are always open to the possibility of being wrong.

Develop your creative thinking skills by understanding the process of innovation. Nothing ever works out the way you think it will. Try different things each time and explore new territory to bring out the genius in you.

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