building relationships

Learn the Secret to Personal Power

When we speak of victory, a large part of it can be attributed to our ability to influence others and communicate with them in order to achieve our...

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When we speak of victory, a large part of it can be attributed to our ability to influence others and communicate with them in order to achieve our goals. Building relationships with people is the source of our personal power and an asset in our success story.

Relation between the Law of Control and personal power

According to the Law of Control, your feeling of positivity about yourself is directly proportional to the degree in which you take control of your life. The converse also holds true wherein if you feel negative about yourself it is because you feel you are not in control of your life.

Psychology experts call this “Locus of Control Theory.” Everyone believes that their life and personal power are under the influence of internal and external factors.

When the internal locus of control is balanced, a person feels in charge and that they are captain of the ship of life. However, a person with an external locus of control feels that others are running their life, and that they can do very little to change things. Their manager, dues, life partner or even childhood experiences are responsible for their life situation.

How to influence people into helping you

Remember that the formula for your personal power is a product of you and your relationships. The choice is yours: you can either influence people or have them influence you.

It is not very difficult to learn how to influence people into thinking and acting in your favor. And this will determine whether you feel a sense of personal power or powerless. Between being an active agent of change or a victim of circumstance.

Self-confidence in working with people from different aspects of life is the skill you need to master. Consistently invest into reaching out to people and helping them. In time, they will do the same for you. The theory of reciprocal relationships is at work here.

In conclusion, the quality and quantity of your relationships will serve as the guiding light in your life more than anything else. Actively seek to work with others as this can work wonders on your levels of happiness and boost your self-esteem and confidence.

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