• Getting good sleep is actually a science, as it turns out. We tell you the do’s and don’ts when you want your night rest to be just perfect.    A good night’s rest is both, the result and driver of a healthy life. Any creeping...

  • Behavioural counsellors everywhere don’t tire of harping on the importance of positive thinking. Though it may sound like an obvious solution to worrying and anxiety, positive thinking doesn’t work as seamlessly in certain situations. Here’s how positive thinking can render you baseless and confused: Some...

  • You can’t really lead a team in any walk of life without knowing how to deliver a rousing motivational speech.   Motivational speeches are one of those magical performances that are more than a message. They are a physiological stimulations, which draw teams closer and...

  • How they react to failure is one of the defining features of most successful people.    Failure can be disheartening, especially one that comes about after a lot of hard work and effort. At this point, people start doubting themselves, or the intentions of people...

  • Breakdowns can be hard to accept. Whether they come in the professional, personal or spiritual domain, they can cause a crushing loss of morale. To a person, it seems like ample evidence that they are incapable of defying the fallacies of human nature. To them,...

  • It’s time for those with anxiety problems to sing those blues away   Songs have been used since time immemorial to entertain and inform people. They have recorded human dilemmas and conditions and acted as subjective cures. Now, we have concrete scientific evidence of music’s...

  • A lot of people get stuck in professional ruts by a certain age. That’s because they never had the wheels to move forward.    It’s a stressful life for urbanites. Stuck between a job, home and needs and demands of human interactions can leave you feeling...

  • We get an inside look at what affects us inside during the Placebo Effect.   “It’s all in the head”:we’ve all heard that refrain, in all manner of motivation speeches, friendly advice and movie climaxes. But in placebo effect, it has an actual scientific basis....