How To Sleep Better

Getting good sleep is actually a science, as it turns out. We tell you the do’s and don’ts when you want your night rest to be just perfect. ...

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Getting good sleep is actually a science, as it turns out. We tell you the do’s and don’ts when you want your night rest to be just perfect. 


A good night’s rest is both, the result and driver of a healthy life. Any creeping illness or side effect professes itself first through irregular sleep patterns. This is why it is important you brace your body for the best sleep possible.


Here are a few tips on how to:


Find comfort


There are no rules when it comes to sleeping comfortably. Subjectivity is the order of the day – or the night, as it is – and you should pamper yourself when setting up your sleep chamber. Throw in fluffy pillows, temperature control the room and curl up.


Can't bargain on comfort
Can’t bargain on comfort

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Don’t fall for naps


Daytime naps are the bane of a good night’s sleep. Short bursts of drowsiness lead to ill-timed rest, which eats into your sleep cycle. Result is frustrating insomnia, which will lead to vicious cycle of daytime drowsiness.


Don't keep up with this
Don’t keep up with this

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Exercise the day


Make your day fruitful. A busy body tends to tire itself out by the evening. By the time you’re done with dinner, your body will be all geared up to retreat into some REM repose.


Have it all wrapped up


Something, which subconsciously disturbs a lot of people’s sleep, is work that spills over to the next day. It might seem trivial, but a pushed deadline and a looming hassle the next day can really wreck your sleep. That’s why it’s better to plan your day ahead, so that, as far you can help, you’re done when you walk out of work.


Watch something pleasing


Right before you sleep, watch or listen to something which is soothing to the nerves. After a hard day at work, your nerves might still be jangling as you slip into bed. A half an hour of jazz, or a lost episode of The Simpsons, could just about calm you down enough to slip into a happy slumber.


Managing sleep and life
Managing sleep and life

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Sleep, when done right, is really the foundation of a great day. When you wake up well-rested, positivity courses through your body. Physically, your well-relaxed muscles twitch to get going. After that wonderful night’s rest, comes the glorious morning.

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