Let Breakdowns Be The Start Of Something New

Breakdowns can be hard to accept. Whether they come in the professional, personal or spiritual domain, they can cause a crushing loss of morale. To a person, it...

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Breakdowns can be hard to accept. Whether they come in the professional, personal or spiritual domain, they can cause a crushing loss of morale. To a person, it seems like ample evidence that they are incapable of defying the fallacies of human nature. To them, it is evidence that they should stop trying.


But that’s where you must snap out of the self-imposed funk and put the defeat of your grand plans into perspective. Once you do, you realize that even out of the worst situations, something new and wonderful could arise. Here’s why:


Clean slates


As is human tendency, we tend to spend a lot of time treating fatally damaged relationships and situations. Of course, such efforts never bear fruit. Conversely, they have the potential to vitiate the end even more. Once the crumbling of the edifice happens, you’re left with an open panorama of possibilities. You have a chance to live again, without the baggage of your past undoing.


The drive to insanity
The drive to insanity

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Change can be exhilarating


Clearing out the detritus of failures can reveal new prospects and possibilities. Like the dirt being wiped off the windscreen, you’re now treated to a completely different way of life. It could be a pleasant change from feeling completely lost and confused. Getting involved with new objectives and moving forward on new paths will also lessen the pains of previous mistakes.


Winners and losers
Winners and losers

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Message in the universe


Everything happens for a reason, whether you call it karma or the butterfly effect. Even breakdowns are subtle messages from the cosmos, showing us the way forward. Instead of feeling like a victim, it is instead a second chance to find something better.


Lessons learnt


At the time of hurt, the underlying lesson might be harder to grasp. But we can’t underestimate it’s importance, since it is our only shot at evolving. Making peace with circumstances and trying again makes people stronger and better


One emotion at a time
One emotion at a time

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It’s never the end, till you can gather the will to pick yourself up after a fall. Rest assured, the path ahead will yield to you fruits of your perseverance.

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